Hello A1 Parents,
I just wanted to let you know we discussed our Erdkinder trip today and your students seem very excited! Just a reminder it is September 17-20th - Mrs. Ballin and Mrs. Plankers kindly offered to drive the students and I will have the car with supplies. Refer to the packing list in the Parent Packets from BTS night to prepare your adolescent. A favor to ask - we will be camping outside and are in need to some tents to be lent to us for the week. If you have any tents we would be very grateful to use them for the week. Please let me know if you are willing to lend it to us at your earliest convenience. Look for updates on the previous week and a peek into what next week holds. As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns. In Him, Mrs. Goodwin
Lovely A1 Parents,
I just wanted to communicate that I will be taking photos in the classroom and during any going outs or field experiences. You will be able to find those photos at this link below: photos.app.goo.gl/sQPkp7dYYexq9LS66 Thank you for all you do for your student, families, and this school! In Him, Mrs. Goodwin Adolescents have special permission from Mrs. Goodwin to wear their "unofficial" Adolescent clothes during special designated times. These pieces of clothing include: black sweatpants, black shorts (within the shorts season), and their maroon t-shirt and grey sweatshirt. The times they may wear these: Monday afternoons: bring to change into for community service in the afternoon. Tuesday mornings: wear to school for HERO. Bring normal uniform clothes to change into for the afternoon back at WOS. Mrs. Goodwin may request that you bring/wear these clothes to special physical-ed events or going outs. Other reminders: Official School Uniform to be worn on Wednesdays for 8 a.m. Mass. Street shoes may be worn to Church of St. Paul. Fingernail polish is allowed for A1 girls. |