We will be going on every other Friday to COSP for their alternative class, Outdoor Sports of All Sorts. We ask that you send your students on Friday in their athletic clothes. Preferably their black sweatpants with their grey sweatshirts. We also ask that they bring their recess clothes in a bag that they can transport to COSP Mass. Let me know if you have any questions!
FFV is an acronym for Fresh Fruits and Veggies which is the new policy for the Adolescent classroom snack.
Not only does this support brain growth and healthy immune system, but it is extra important because of the rapid development occurring in the teenager's body. This new policy will enable them to go shopping weekly and budget snack money for their new food choices, understand how expensive it can be to eat healthfully, and to learn the benefits and important of nutrition and a healthy diet. We will go every Monday to either Cub or ALDI on Highway 65 and choose our snacks for the week. There has been some confusion about uniforms for the Adolescents on Fridays. It will be variable, but I will ask that the black sweatpants are reserved for Fridays. As a rule, the students must wear their normal uniform on Friday unless otherwise told. They may wear their grey sweatshirts other days during the week.
For going-outs and field experiences, it will depend on the activity and I will be sure to inform everyone as to the expectations. |